MIYFS Counselors (R&R Place)
About R&R Place
Mercer Island Youth and Family Services (MIYFS) school-based mental health counselors offer MIHS students a safe, confidential place to meet on a drop-in or ongoing basis. Students can seek confidential support and guidance around the many issues and concerns facing adolescents today such as anxiety, symptoms of depression, stress, substance use/abuse, and relational issues at no-cost. Two full-time MIYFS mental health counselors are located at the R&R place in the high school (across from the MIHS main office). The counselors provide information, crisis intervention, counseling, group support and referral to other services. A full-time Alcohol and Drug Intervention Specialist is also available to students to provide education, support, intervention, and confidential assessment and referral. The counselors also present information in the classroom on various health topics and offer consultation with parents and school staff. YFS school-based mental health counselors differ from MIHS academic counselors in that they offer
WA State Healthy Youth Survey
The Washington State Healthy Youth Survey (HYS) is administered in schools statewide every two years to collect data from students about their alcohol and other drug use, and other behaviors that impact their health, safety, and success. The survey measures health behaviors and risk/protective factors that contribute to the health and safety of adolescents in Washington State, and the data is used to track trends and prioritize prevention resources. Mercer Island School District participates in the survey.