Parking Rules at Mercer Island High School
Only students who have been given a Parking Permit by the front office can park on the MIHS campus (please see designated parking maps under Parking Information) – all other students must park off campus.
If a student parks on campus without a permit, a ticket will be issued and must be paid. For students without passes and pass holders who park in staff, visitor, or other areas not designated student parking, the fines are as follows:
1st offense - $50 parking fine for all students regardless of pass
2nd offense - $75 parking fine for all students regardless of pass
3rd offense - $100 parking fine for all students regardless of pass and a warning about loss of parking privileges (for pass holders)
4th offense - $125 parking fine for all students regardless of pass and loss of parking privileges for the remainder of the year (for pass holders)
5th offense - $150 parking fine for all students regardless of pass, loss of parking privileges (for pass holders), and student’s car may be booted or towed at the discretion of the parking enforcement team
Three or more tickets will potentially result in the loss of parking privileges for the current school year and additionally, there will be further fines and/or community service. Any student who receives three or more tickets during the current school year will be disqualified from obtaining a student parking pass for the next school year.
*Parents and visitors must park in spots designated as Visitor Parking or along the front loop if parking is unavailable.