College and Career Center
Welcome to the Career Hub!
Your Islander "One Stop Shop" for:
Discovering your strengths and needs, finding a summer job, researching a skilled trade, support for your college search, hosting post secondary workshops and events, reviewing college applications and more!
Visit Highlights (below) for upcoming events and timely information or click on the links to your left to browse!
Students, do you want more 1:1 help? Stop by the Career Hub or make an appointment with Ms. Kenyon by clicking on the "Book with Me" Bar to your right. I look forward to meeting with you!
Did you know.....?
MIHS Counseling Team "To Do" list for Seniors
2025 Lunch & Learn Series
MI Parent Edge Webinar
" A Healthier Approach to College Admissions"
Click here for the MIHS Counseling Team's self -guided "One a Day" playlist. It is designed to help families sort out the confusing, but necessary world of funding post secondary plans.
Hop in the MIHS Adventure Van each month as we explore exciting careers around the area. This month we are going to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Care Center in Seattle. Click here for the permission slip which covers this trip and all of the remaining ones you wish to join!
Free money for career training, college, or an apprenticeship—it’s possible! Washington College Grant
Federal Student Aid Videos on YouTube
Virtual College Tours at The College Tour