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World Language

A minimum of 2 years of study of the same world language or 2 credits Personalized Pathway Requirement (PPR) is a state graduation requirement.

Click here for World Language Proficiency Testing

Most four-year colleges require a minimum of two (or three) years of study in the same world language. The World Language Department at Mercer Island High School offers courses in French, Mandarin Chinese,and Spanish. Levels of study include entry level through Advanced Placement
options. Since acquiring a second language is a skill that develops over time, it is important that students master concepts from one level before continuing onto the next level. The World Language Department strongly recommends a minimum grade above C- in order for students to advance through the beginning levels of the language (1 and 2) and a minimum grade of B- or better to advance at the higher levels (3, 4, and AP). Full participation in an AP course includes an expectation that the student will take the AP examination, for which the student will be prepared throughout the year. 
Some students enter high school with significant prior experience in a world language other than English. The World Language Department will conduct placement testing for students who are new-to-MISD or who have prior experience of one of these types. A student who:
• Speaks or hears the language at home
• Has participated in a dual-language immersion program for K-5 or K-8
• Has participated in a FLES or FLEX program for K-5 or K-8
• Has other substantial course work taken in the language

Placement testing should be done prior to registration for the next school year (February/March time frame).
This allows the student to request the appropriate world language course during registration, and it allows the World Language Department to staff classes accurately. Students who take placement tests after registration is completed are not guaranteed placement in the class indicated by the test results.

Students who have taken a Level 1 world language course over two years at IMS and have received a C or better in each trimester have the background to take Level 2 of that world language. They have completed the work that will be presented in Level 1 at the high school.