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  • 10th
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  • Credit=1 (2 Semesters)

Title:  Yearbook Advanced

Pre-Requisite:  Written application and interview with advisor

Course Description:    MIHS Yearbook is a student-run organization with a faculty adviser. After completing Yearbook 1, Yearbook 2 students become staff leaders, training and mentoring Yearbook 1 students in reporting, writing, photography, editing, graphic design, page design, marketing, and sales. Additionally, Yearbook 2 students fill key management positions such as senior editor, junior editor, copy editor, photography editor, design editor, marketing manager, and business manager. Every yearbook staffer participates in statewide journalism conferences, where they network with professionals in design, writing, photography, and management.

Work Load:  Lead teams in photography, copy writing, and page design. Work outside of class to cover subjects such as sports can be 3 or more hours per week. As publisher page deadlines approach, work outside of class for staff leaders can approach 5 or more hours per week.

Why would you be interested in the Class:   Yearbook is a student-run organization that produces a priceless keepsake for the MIHS community. Because the product has deep meaning for everyone, it is critically important to produce quality work, and be customer-driven. Staffers at all levels must be self-starters, committing to meeting the high expectations of students, families, and MIHS staff.

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