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  • 10th
  • Credit=1 (2 Semesters)
  • Honors

Title: AEN241&AEN242--ENG10H WLD LIT BLK

English 10 Honors World Literature with Modern World History

Pre-Requisite: Recommended Honors English 9

Course Description:  In this course, students refine their writing process, learn more about literary devices, and become critical thinkers. Compared to the regular curriculum, the World Studies/Literature Honors program includes additional readings and a deeper exploration of course content. The course prepares students for honors and AP courses. This curriculum assumes proficiency in essay writing, increased workload, and strong critical thinking and reading skills. Course expectations are high, and students are expected to meet them independently and creatively. This course is integrated with Honors Modern World History and explores larger historical and literary questions.

Work Load: Students should expect to average 30-45 minutes per school day working outside of the classroom to manage the course expectations. Students will complete a wide range of both individual and group assessments, with class participation required and preparation expected.

Why would you be interested in the Class: Students looking for academic challenge and rigor should take this class.

  • English
  • NCAA Approved