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  • College Credit
  • Credit=1 (2 Semesters)
  • Dual Credit


Pre-Requisite:  WLC157 Creative Writing and Publishing

Course Description:  Advanced Creative Writing and Publishing is a year-long course for students interested in continuing their study of creative writing and publishing. Students will take on leadership roles (editor-in-chief, associate editor, webmaster, etc.) in Pegasus curation, design, and publishing, and explore areas beyond Pegasus to submit their work. They will build a writers' group and seek outside mentorship for developing their creative voice. They will choose focus areas (elements of craft, genres of writing, etc.) and produce a culminating portfolio. (Pending approval for college credit through North Seattle College in the HS).

Work Load:  Writing activities such as regular drafting and crafting, writers' conferences, peer editing, journals, writers' notebooks, and Pegasus drafts all serve as formative assessments. Among the summative assessments are final drafts, student-led conferences, the final publication of Pegasus, a personal chapbook, a reading journal, and a portfolio of best work.

Why would you be interested in the Class:  This course is for students who want to deepen their creative writing skills and take on leadership roles in Pegasus Productions. For students who enjoy a wide range of choices in what they study and how they demonstrate their learning.

College Credit: North Seattle Community College - Creative Writing - ENGL151 - 5 Units

Link to MIHS Pegasus Website:

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