- 9th
- 10th
- 11th
- 12th
- Credit=0.5 (1 Semester)
Pre-Requisite: None
Course Description: A variety of activities will be conducted with MIHS students with disabilities in the Peer Mentor Program. Activities might include attending electives, practicing academic skills, and engaging in social skills and joint leisure activities. In addition to lunch, mentors may attend electives or special education classes with their peers. Peer Mentor teachers and trained paraprofessionals will guide mentors to be responsive to individual student needs and program goals. Peer mentors help students with disablitities to become more independent and participate more actively in the school community. Mentors serve as companions, role models, and motivators. Through mini-lessons and a final reflection project, the concepts of diversity, leadership, communication, and problem-solving will be explored.
Work Load: No outside homework.
Why would you be interested in the Class: Students interested in developing leadership skills and/or pursuing a career in education or human services should take this course. The role of peer mentors is vital in the high school experience of students with disabilities and mentors learn about different learning styles.
- Non-Department Offering
- Special Education