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  • 11th
  • 12th
  • Advanced Placement
  • Credit=1 (2 Semesters)


Pre-Requisite: None

Course Description:  This course is equivalent to an introductory college psychology course. The behavior and mental processes of humans are studied in a systematic and scientific manner. A consideration of the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields of psychology is included. Students apply psychological concepts to their own lives and learn to recognize psychological principles in everyday situations. College credit may be awarded for qualifying AP Psychology scores. AP course students are encouraged to take the AP examination, for which they will be prepared throughout the year.

Work Load:  Coursework includes quizzes, tests, research papers, reflections, group and individual projects, and daily reading notes. Students will present video presentations, create posters, and teach lessons in class. Reflections require students to apply psychological concepts to their personal lives and to recognize principles in everyday situations. Our Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) is Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA).

Why would you be interested in the Class:  This course appeals to a wide range of students. It can be applied to a range of occupational fields--business and marketing, health sciences, education, biological research, to name a few. It is engaging and fun because its subject is relevant, useful, and relatable.

  • CCR