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  • 10th
  • 11th
  • 12th
  • Advanced Placement
  • Credit=1 (2 Semesters)


Pre-Requisite:  FAV300 - Drawing and Painting & FAV350 - Advanced Drawing and Painting

Course Description:  This course is equivalent to a semester-long college art course for highly advanced students. Students gain a deeper understanding of visual principles, material techniques, and the synthesis of form, technique, and content. Significant time is required outside of class. AP applicants submit two portfolios: a Selected Works portfolio, which consists of five of the finest artworks, and a Sustained Investigation portfolio, which consists of 15 carefully developed artworks that answer a specific inquiry question. College credit may be awarded for qualifying AP Studio Art scores. AP course students are encouraged to take the AP examination.

Work Load:  Students will be working independently and group critiquing weekly. This course requires at least 5 - 10 hours per week of out of school time to complete the course successfully.

Why would you be interested in the Class:  In this AP course, students create a portfolio, receive feedback, and then have the summer to incorporate what they've learned into another portfolio that colleges can accept.

  • CCR
  • Fine Arts - Visual