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Title:  FAP825&FAP826--ADV DRAMA 2

Pre-Requisite:  Yes. Students must complete two semesters of Drama 1 (FAP810 & FAP811) to audition for this course.

Course Description:    The Drama 2 performance ensemble explores a variety of acting exercises and techniques needed to create theatre events that will be performed for the public during the school year. Often, training includes work with professional artists and workshops with Seattle theatre programs. Each student has the opportunity to study and learn about theatre history, examining the different styles, genres, and worlds written and performed since Greek times. The program aims to develop and maintain a positive self-image, help students discover and enhance their artistic voices, and build communication skills.

Work Load:  Students in Drama 2 are expected to work hard both in and out of class. From November-May, Drama 2 students can expect to have consistent after-school rehearsals in addition to class work. In addition to small formative assessments, there are large summative assessments (live performances).

Why would you be interested in the Class:   This course is perfect for students interested in honing their theatrical craft. It offers an in-depth look at different aspects of performance and acting. A student who enjoys exploring different characters and developing empathy for others would thrive here.

Additional Information:  A drama class is a safe place to explore your creativity and leave your worries at the door. All are welcome. Our ensemble is built on a high level of trust and communication. Diversity is our strength. Inclusion is our philosophy. Creativity is our passion. Drama is our language.

  • Fine Arts - Performing