- 11th
- 12th
- College Credit
- Credit=1 (2 Semesters)
- Dual Credit
Pre-Requisite: This is a junior or senior-level elective. Students are expected to have completed Chemistry 1 and Physics 1, a year of Biology, and have passed Algebra 1 and Geometry.
Course Description: The first semester of Astronomy and Cosmology prepares students for the second semester of Earth Science. First semester topics include: Astronomical observations involving telescopes and other detection systems; Evidence for the formation, evolution, and structure of our solar system; Star and planet formation, fusion, and star lifecycles. Topics in the second semester include: Earth plate tectonics, rock cycle, mineral formation and chemistry; Geologic hazards and risks - volcanoes, erosion, earthquakes and floods; mountain formation; atmospheric evolution and climate; water resources; glaciers; and geologic time and radiometric dating.
Work Load: A mix of hands-on lab measurements and observations and interpretations of data sets and simulations; Small group and whole class projects, presentations, and activities; 1-day field trip to a local geologic site; Individual choice research project each semester to give students experience in researching and presenting current scientific studies in astronomy and Earth science; Reading quizzes are approximately every 3 weeks; Cumulative semester finals.
Why would you be interested in the Class: This course is recommended for 11th and 12th grade students who are interested in learning about astronomy, cosmology (history and structure of the universe), Earth science and/or environmental science, with the option to earn 5 quarter credits for Geology 100 from an accredited university while attending class at MIHS.
College Credit: Eastern Washington University - Geology 100 - 5 Credits
- NCAA Approved
- Science