- 12th
- Advanced Placement
- Credit=1 (2 Semesters)
- NCAA Approved
Pre-Requisite: It is encouraged that students take American Studies or AP US History beforehand
Course Description: The course will provide students with an understanding of the governmental structures of China, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. A study of social-political trends and conflicts, and economics and politics will be included. Civics fulfills the state graduation requirement and emphasizes active citizenship, including local and state issues. College credit may be awarded for qualifying AP Comparative Government Pol scores. AP course students are encouraged to take the AP examination, for which they will be prepared throughout the year.
Work Load: Typical work for the class will include analysis of current events, group/individual work, project, essays, and formative/summative assessments in preparation for the AP test in May as well as becoming an informed global citizen.
Why would you be interested in the Class: Any students interested in political science and/or who wish to become educated citizens of a more interconnected world.
- Social Studies