- 12th
- Credit=1 (2 Semesters)
- Honors
Title: AEN457&AEN458--ENG 12 H BLOCK
Pre-Requisite: English 9-11 and strong writing skills.
Course Description: Honors English 12 is integrated with AP Comparative Government. As well as studying literature, cultures, philosophies, and governments of the UK, China, Russia, Mexico, Nigeria, and Iran, this course reads literary criticism and news articles. Reading, writing, and thinking critically and persuasively about literary, moral, and philosophical issues are expected. As part of this course, students will examine state-society relationships as well as sources of authority and power. Students are assessed through group projects, presentations, and written assignments.
Work Load: Group/Individual; graded seminars; summative written assignments; research; presentations.
Students should plan on approximately 30 minutes every night, and more when essay or project due dates are on the horizon. Reading assignments will include roughly 10-20 pages per night.
Why would you be interested in the Class: College-bound seniors interested in contemporary world literature, media studies, and philosophy. Course is blocked with AP Comparative Government; the two courses provide a well-rounded view of current politics and social issues around the world.
- English
- NCAA Approved