- 12th
- Advanced Placement
- Credit=1 (2 Semesters)
Title: AEN441&AEN442--AP ENG LIT & COMP
Pre-Requisite: No. It is recommended that students have honors or AP English experience, but not a requirement.
Course Description: AP English covers all mandatory and recommended AP requirements including style analysis, close reading, and literary concepts. As part of their test practice, students read a variety of literary styles, periods, and genres, including novels, plays, and short pieces. Additionally, students participate in book groups to enhance their literary analysis skills. To prepare seniors for college and the AP exam, the course emphasizes close reading and precise literary analysis. College credit may be awarded for qualifying AP English scores. AP course students are encouraged to take the AP examination.
Work Load: Group/Individual, Project/Papers, Formative/Summative. Emphasis on preparing students for the timed writing required for the exam. AP Courses can demand up to about an hour of homework per night. Summer reading and ongoing outside reading is often a requirement.
Why would you be interested in the Class: Students who truly love English and literature and want to challenge themselves with a college-level literature and writing course. It is one of the most demanding English courses MIHS offers.
- English
- NCAA Approved