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  • 12th
  • Credit=1 (2 Semesters)

Title:   AEN415&AEN416--ENG 12 RACE LIT

Pre-Requisite: None

Course Description:  Using texts shared by English 12 classes as well as works and selections that extend the curriculum, this course analyzes and discusses race and identity in the modern world, including race, gender, sexuality, religion, class, ability, and culture. By analyzing the lived experience of diverse writers, students will gain an understanding of how writing can serve as a powerful tool for social justice and provide insight into marginalized voices.

Work Load:  Students engage with texts, literary forms, and media sources; participate in discussions; conduct research; present; and develop as readers, writers, and critical thinkers. We will have daily graded discussions, projects, and papers. Expect 1-hr reading homework every night. Essays require longer hours.

Why would you be interested in the Class:  Students interested in critical and authentic conversations about race, equity, and privilege. Students ready to analyze their place in the world and their ability to make a difference. Feeling uncomfortable in these conversations is okay, but students must engage in them daily.

  • English
  • NCAA Approved