- 12th
- Credit=1 (2 Semesters)
Title: AEN410&AEN411--ENG 12 FILM AS LIT
Pre-Requisite: Seniors only course
Course Description: The course will look at cinematic techniques, genres (westerns, science fiction, horror, documentaries, etc.) and analyses. Throughout the year, students watch more than 25 films, ranging from Hollywood classics to international cinema, cult classics, to art house and avant garde. As students learn visual literacy, they will explore how images and sounds create meaning, and how representation leads to social change. Each week, students must read relevant texts, conduct research, watch films, write analytically, and take part in seminars, all of which are designed to prepare students for postsecondary education.
Work Load: Group/Individual, Projects/Papers, Formative/Summative, Discussions, Essays, Tests/Quizzes
Why would you be interested in the Class: Students who are curious about Film Studies and who have an interest in taking an unconventional English class are encouraged to take this course. This course is more writing and discussion heavy than it is reading heavy.
- English
- NCAA Approved