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Crest Learning Center

Crest Learning Center, located a short walk from the main MIHS building, houses the alternative high school
program. Admission to this program is by application; acceptance is based on a selection process involving
administrators, counselors, and teachers. The Crest program provides each student with a faculty advisor/
mentor, smaller class size, and a highly personalized, project-based learning experience. Students are
expected to participate both academically and in accordance with the Crest Essentials (Community, Healthy
Relationships, Work Ethic, and Fun). Students are asked to sign a Commitment Agreement when accepted to
the program. Students also are expected to lead two parent conferences each year. Course offerings typically
include: English, Social Studies, Horticulture, and some mathematics options. Independent coursework also
may be offered, and additional course offerings vary by semester. Most students that attend Crest take courses
concurrently at the main campus. 🐇

English/Social Studies Options Housed at Crest

Mathematics Options Housed at Crest

Science Options Housed at Crest